Friday, March 16, 2012

Extend Your Vision Towards Jewelry Designing

Jewelry designing may not be an ardent career in the earlier times but it has surely escalated itself in the contemporary times. The big names like Foxy Originals, Debra Shepard, Devon Leigh and EXEX are known by everyone today. They are no more in the shadow after designing such designer fashion jewelry pieces.

You must be wondering that according to my assertions, do women wearing no jewelry pieces do not possess a right to express themselves. Let me correct you that I am not saying that jewelry is the only thing to express yourself in an extrovert manner but it surely enhances your value in some way or other. This is one of the reasons that people imitate the celebrity's designer jewelry pieces. The royal jewelry has lost its vogue after the Victorian times and it has been overtaken by the designer pieces of Bollywood and Hollywood fraternity.

Published at Sooper Articles

While you are starting to give shape to your passions in the form of jewelry, it is very important that you buy the material in wholesale. Since customising something means that you need to take into consideration all the minor things which make for wholesale costume jewelry. After that you can wear as much you want and can keep changing it time to time.

Everyone is creative; we just need to explore that potential in each person. The more you do it, the more you gain expertise. Therefore, the only advice is to keep doing it thereby heading towards perfection.

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All you need to be a voluntary jewelry designer is the love and style and integration of proper things at proper places. Devon Leigh is one of the examples doing this. She dares to take the offbeat material in her designers and these are the only things that make a difference. She has variety in her designs like gemstones, precious metals, solid gold etc. If she can make such beautiful designs, even you can. Make your own customised jewelry. When you will wear them, you will surely experience a strange yet appealing satisfaction which will make you do more in the field of customising jewelry.

Jewelry is the most sensitive symbol of self expression. You cannot afford to wear anything and everything you want. Even in the times of experimentation, you cannot go on and on without taking some things into consideration. The jewelry should match the dressing style and should be accordingly categorised into street wear, designer jewelry pieces, daily wear and the elegant ones.

his and hers jewelry sets |By DJ Dhar on January 14, 2011

The Beauty of The Most Lustrous Pearl Jewelry

pearl jewelry |pearl jewelry set |

Published at Sooper Articles

In all countries where woman has been enthroned in the respect as well as the affections of man, the pearl has been inseparably connected with her.The pearl jewelry as a peculiarly fitting accompaniment to feminine loveliness is deeply rooted.

In the romantic dreams of youth, which hide betimes the harsh realism of life under a golden haze of imagery; where belted knights and fair ladies live and move unfettered, and all the impossible delights of sweet desire free from untoward consequences are reasonable; where invincible swords have no thought of the horrors of carnage, and unimpeded love is without cold calculation or following of sorrow, pearls everywhere shimmer. And when in his exalted moods man paints the shadow picture of the goddess of his life, he finds one gem alone befitting with which to deck her, namely, the pearl. This has come to pass probably because the ideal qualities of woman and the sea gem are alike, purity and modesty.In our visions of the spectral past, the shades of the consorts of the mighty all wear them.

Upon reclining figures in the ancient palaces of Persia and Arab tents: wherever the proud women of the conquering Occident move in stately measure across the high terraces of noble placement: in all dreams of fair women and brave men, are swords and pearls. And this is so because in all the ages, women of high position have loved pearls and writers have told it. In our old world so far, neither earth nor sea has yielded ought to else so fit to lie in the bosom of woman, or to symbolize her character and beauty, as the chaste and dainty pearl.

Pearls hang pendent from the ears of Egypt's voluptuous queens, and Rome's proud matrons. Pearls clasp the dainty flesh of Moslem hour is and rest in the soft folds of draperies that cling about those daughters of the Orient, the common mortals of their day might not look upon. Great pearls hang festooned and pendent round the necks of lightly draped Diana of the warm south land's, and coiled about the brown arms of the daughters of the chiefs in far-off islands of the South Seas.

pearl earrings with diamonds uk |By Gaurav Thakur on March 17, 2011