Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Inexpensive Wedding Day Jewelry Options

Some wholesale costume jewelry for your wedding can be as little as a mere ten dollars. Of course this type of wedding jewelry is not what you will find advertised in wedding magazines but it can actually be better because it is feminine and basically unknown so you are not going to end up paying more for brand names that are advertised in the famous brides magazines and such. One point I have not mentioned yet that is something quite important is in considering what kind of wedding jewelry you will be both proud of and happy with. If you have your heart set on a genuine platinum band with a five carat or higher genuine diamond stone with a dozen little diamond inlays, and your finance is the one who is thinking the inexpensive route is the best, you must be sure that the two of you talk a lot about this big decision until you have reached some sort of compromise. You do want this marriage to last, right!?

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Are there pieces of jewelry you can think of right now that you just swore were real diamonds only to later discover they were cubic zirconia? Oftentimes, unless you are a professional jeweler, it is difficult to accurately distinguish between the two. However if you absolutely must have expensive wedding rings, there is no reason why the other jewelry items cannot be less expensive pieces, thus leaving you with more money perhaps to use towards your romantic honeymoon coming up shortly after. Keep in mind that paying less for your wedding jewelry doesn't suggest that you desire poor quality and have no fashion sense; it simply means that you are being wise and purchasing jewelry that you really can afford and are getting value for.

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One thing to keep in mind if you are considering buying less expensive wedding jewelry sets is the peace of mind if something should happen to it like if you were to lose it, damage it in some way or worst case scenario if it was stolen from you. If for some reason you had no insurance or the insurance did not cover the damage or loss, you would unfortunately be out thousands of dollars. In that scenario, opting for less expensive yet still nice jewelry might not sound like such a bad option after all. Less expensive wedding jewelry does not have to look cheap at all since I imagine you aren't out looking for body jewelry with trendy colors. There are actually pieces of jewelry that are of high quality bridal, costume or fashion jewelry that is craftily tasteful and easy on the checkbook. Many of these pieces will have inexpensive sterling silver with beautiful, sparkling cubic zirconia jewels in them. There are actually some quite attractive sets for as little as twenty to thirty dollars while some smaller more delicate pieces can even cost less.

Wedding jewelry is not entirely just about the wedding bands or engagement and wedding ring sets. However, these are quite well known to be the most expensive pieces of wedding jewelry depending upon one's personal taste in jewelry and what one can realistically afford to pay, which will hopefully not leave the happy new couple in debt until their retirement years. While many brides will insist upon the heaviest diamond available or perhaps a platinum ring which will both run in the thousands of dollars, there are plenty of people who are opting for a much less expensive route, one being to buy cubic zirconia wedding rings.

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